Created: 2022-09-24 23:42:15 | Last modified: 2023-07-02 20:39:33| By: ZAMIC Access: Read | Visibility: Public, Group | Views: 201 | Rating: N/A | Tags:
Use Widget Offce to create spreadsheets, word documents, forms and slide presentations that can be co-authored with other users
Zamic Office Widgets allow you to create spreadsheets, word documents, fillable forms and slide shows that a compatible with other Office Suites available like Office 355 and Open Office.
These Office Widgets can also be coauthored with other users at the same time allowing each of you to make modifications to documents while each of you see the modifications the other has made in real time.
To create an Office document click on one of the Office Widget buttons in the Widgets tab, this will create a blank document. You can now either edit the new document or import an existing document.
Importing a document
To import an existing document, you can do this in the widget menu. Click the widget menu, select Settings
A settings dialog will be shown
Click the open button, select the file you wish to upload and then click the upload button. Once the upload has finished, the office document will refresh and you can click the close button to start editing your document.
The editor
When you start editing the document, you can select the office editor help at any time by clicking the File tab and then help. You can search the help topics at the top of the office editor.
Multiple people can edit the document at the same time, you can see other people who are editing the document at the top of the page.