Feature List
List of Zamic featuersHere are a list of features Zamic
Page Editor
- Widget Locking - Single user widgets are locked stopping another user from overwriting your work.
Zamic Sites
- Instantly create websites from the pages you create.
- Select a template and customize it to your requirements.
- Organise your pages into groups and assign those groups and permissions to other users.
- Create articles and save them within the widget
- Edit in full screen mode
- Attach files to your pages, users can download these files depending on your sharing permissions.
- Allow users to comment on your page
- Instant refresh to allow live commenting
- As an admin you can delete comments
Form DB
- Create forms that can be shared publicly
- Simple drag and drop to add form components, for example text fields, checkboxes, date pickers and more
- Capture form data and have it emailed to you as it's submitted
- Use a template for the captured form data to have it emailed in a nice email format
- Capture form data, view it in the admin section and have it exported automatically emailed to you
- Create a selectable send, have the user that is submitting the form data choose a name from the list to send to the corresponding email.
- Scheduled data exports
- Capture of username
- Ability to display the captured data on view page, allow a user to edit this data
- Upload your images and view them as thumbnails the page
- Create a slideshow by clicking on the image, the user can swipe through each of the images
Office - Word, Form, Spreadsheet and Slide
- Create documents using the inbuild office editor
- Co-author the documents with other users that have permissions to edit the documents along side you.
- Import/Export/Print the documents in the Microsoft office format.
- Create flowcharts and diagrams with Zamic diagrams.
- Number of shapes available including flowchart, network, floorplan and may others.
- Import and export in multiple formats.
- Save on demand, saves each time a change is made.
- Import images to use as a base.
- Option to layer your diagrams.
- Snap to grid and easy alignment..
PDF Viewer
- Import PDF documents from editor view
- Zoom in and out of documents.
- Thumbnail view.
- Ability to draw and type text directly onto any type of PDF.
- Download of modified PDF to local machine.
- Embed a YouTube clip into your page
- Embed a SoundCloud sound file into your page
- Add playlists
- Embed your MixCloud recordings into your pages.
Site Pages
- Select a list of pages from a site to be displayed
- Change the page list order within the widget
- Add and remove as required