EMC VNX 5300 Disk Path Issue Issue
Created: 2019-02-12 22:49:59 | Last modified: 2022-03-13 00:28:16 | By: NovaAccess: Read | Visibility: Public | Views: 718 | Rating: N/A | Tags: emc vnx vnx5300 emc vnx
EMC VNX 5300 is experiencing an internal disk path issue. The error message is "root_disk server_2 has 1 disk paths, 2 are required"
Get the following error when running a system check
The message is "root_disk server_2 has 1 disk paths, 2 are required", this happens to a number of other volumes which that are listed inside the error message.
Ran health check on system
Received the following
Storage System : Checking disk high availability access.................... Fail -------------------------------------Errors------------------------------------- Storage System : Check disk high availability access Error HC_BE_14505017351: * FCN00120800151 root_disk server_2 missing path to SPB * FCN00120800151 root_ldisk server_2 missing path to SPB * FCN00120800151 d3 server_2 missing path to SPB * FCN00120800151 d4 server_2 missing path to SPB * FCN00120800151 d5 server_2 missing path to SPB * FCN00120800151 d6 server_2 missing path to SPB * FCN00120800151 root_disk server_3 missing path to SPA * FCN00120800151 root_ldisk server_3 missing path to SPA * FCN00120800151 d3 server_3 missing path to SPA * FCN00120800151 d4 server_3 missing path to SPA * FCN00120800151 d5 server_3 missing path to SPA * FCN00120800151 d6 server_3 missing path to SPA Action : Cannot access disks via multiple paths. See above for specific errors. Check Storage System cable and zoning. Error HC_SYS_14505213953: Command failed * Command: /nas/bin/server_devconfig server_2 -probe -scsi 16 -all * Command output: server_2 : Error 1015: server_2 : no drives on chain * Command exit code: 7 Action : Use the command output and exit code to investigate the problem. Run the command manually if needed to investigate further. Escalate this issue through your support organization if needed. Provide this output in the escalation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
List the disks on each server (get the chain ID)
nas_diskmark -list server_2 nas_diskmark -list server_3
Probe The Servers (with each of the chain IDs)
/nas/bin/server_devconfig server_3 -probe -scsi 16 -all /nas/bin/server_devconfig server_2 -probe -scsi 0 -all
The Fix
To fix found that some of the paths were not showing as per below . Enter engineering mode, press CTRL+SHIFT+F12 and enter in the password messner and make the required modifications so that all paths are mapped.
Get the system version
Run a NAS system check
Check the disks
nas_disk -l
Run a health check on the system, check SPA and SPB connections
nas_storage -c -a
server_devconfig ALL -p -s -a
server_standby server_2 -activate mover
To failback to the primary data mover
#Check it is contactable /nas/sbin/getreason #Failback, reboot secondary server_standby server_2 -restore mover /nas/sbin/getreason #Check is still contactable #Check servers nas_server -l
To shutdown the storage processor SPB/SPA
/nasmcd/sbin/navicli -h (IP ADDRESS) shutdownsp
To startup the storage processor
/nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -start -spa_ip (IP ADDRESS)